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Three roll mills for soap production

View: 84710/19/2022  

In China, soap, laundry soap and industrial soap are collectively known as SOAP, soap industry has a long history of development. In all kinds of soap production lines, three roll mills in which has an important position.

Three roll millsAs the most effective equipment for grinding and dispersing high viscosity materials, three roll mills can replace the refining block machine to destroy the dry spots on the soap surface in the soap industry. 

Three roll mills consists of three rollers which are installed on the stand to make the center on the same production line. In the process of soap production, three rollers are extruded each other to carry out friction at different speeds in order to achieve the effect of grinding. Because three roll mill is installed in different directions, the rotating speed from back to front increases in turn, which makes the grinding effect more remarkable. After grinding, the finished product is scraped off by a scraper on the machine.

Three roll mills

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